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How to Boost Productivity and Drive Efficiency in Meetings

How to Supercharge Productivity and Drive Efficiencies

How to Supercharge Productivity and Drive Efficiencies

Welcome to this article on supercharging productivity and driving efficiencies in the workplace. In today's fast-paced world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to optimize their processes and get more done with less. One area that often gets overlooked is meetings - those necessary (and sometimes unnecessary) gatherings that take up a significant amount of time and resources. In this article, we will explore some strategies to make meetings more productive and efficient, ultimately saving time and money for your organization.

Create Feedback Channels for Impactful Change

Before we can make any improvements, it's important to understand the current state of meetings in your organization. Business leaders may have a general idea, but they might not be aware of how often employees attend meetings that are irrelevant to their work. The first step in revamping meeting culture is to create channels for feedback. This can be as simple as asking employees themselves. By soliciting honest feedback, you can identify patterns and areas for improvement.

Additionally, pay close attention to regularly scheduled meetings and ask whether attendees believe those meetings are needed to accomplish their goals. With professionals spending around 5.7 hours per week in unnecessary meetings, the more non-critical meetings that can be cut from their schedule, the more time they'll have to focus on more important tasks.

Leave Room for Employees to Opt-Out

One of the most effective ways to supercharge productivity and drive efficiencies is to allow employees to opt out of unnecessary meetings. While existing company policies might already stipulate this, the workplace culture might not reflect it. Many people say yes to meetings that aren't relevant to their work because that's the workplace norm. Almost 80% of companies fail to discuss the concept of declining meetings with their employees.

To empower professionals to say no to irrelevant meeting invites, a top-down approach is essential. Managers should talk to their staff about when and how they can decline meetings, and also model that behavior themselves. It's important to note that women are more inclined to accept meetings they don't feel are necessary than men. Efforts must be inclusive and emphasize everyone's right to decline meeting invitations when appropriate.

Trim Meeting Invite Lists

Most meeting organizers create invite lists by including anyone who might be impacted by the subject matter. However, this approach often leads to unnecessary attendees. Even if declining invites is acceptable, it's still important to trim down invite lists in the first place. Ideally, organizers should only invite team members who are directly affected by the meeting agenda and able to contribute to the conversation.

One way to test the relevance of invite lists is by reviewing the list for a recent meeting. Did all the attendees participate in the discussion? Were they able to apply the information from the meeting to their work? Did they contribute to achieving the desired objective? If the answer is no to one or more of these questions, it's likely that some attendees didn't need to be there.

Implement Processes for Communication and Collaboration Beyond Meetings

While trimming invite lists ensures that meetings are attended only by those whose presence is critical, there will still be employees who don't make the list but could benefit from knowing the meeting's key takeaways. To ensure effective communication and collaboration beyond the parameters of the physical meeting, it's essential to implement processes that keep everyone in the loop.

For example, sharing quality meeting notes and summaries with anyone who might benefit from the information, regardless of whether they attended the meeting. Meeting notes and summaries can quickly make meeting information accessible to more people. When employees know they can view comprehensive meeting notes, they're less likely to waste time attending irrelevant meetings. In fact, 71% of employees would feel empowered to skip unnecessary meetings if they had access to high-quality meeting notes. By sharing rich meeting notes promptly, you can ensure that employees have access to important meeting content, even if they don't attend the meeting.

The Vital Role of AI in Supercharging Meetings

While a change in attitude towards meetings is necessary, technology also has an essential role to play in modernizing meetings. Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example, can be an enabler of a revamped meeting culture. Smart AI meeting assistants are designed to automate the meeting process from start to finish by assisting with organizing, conducting, and summarizing meetings.

By adopting AI to support meetings, companies can further supercharge the efficiency and productivity gains of a shift in meeting culture. AI can automate processes like providing employees with the option to opt out of a call and keeping them in the loop with quality meeting notes. This technology can save time and streamline the meeting experience, ultimately driving better results for your organization.

Understand that Modernizing Meeting Culture is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Modernizing meeting culture is not a one-time fix. It requires continuous improvement and a commitment to change. New ways of working are never perfect on the first try, so it's important to revisit the topic with employees down the line. By checking in and asking for honest feedback, you can identify any gaps and make additional improvements to your meeting processes.

It's clear that organizational efficiencies and productivity are taking a hit, both in and out of meetings. It's time for organizations to make a change. Shifting meeting culture to match modern working practices can counteract the 31% of meetings that are currently deemed unnecessary. By taking a fresh approach to meetings and leveraging innovative AI meeting assistants, we can drive even greater savings in terms of time and money.


In conclusion, meetings play a crucial role in business operations, but they can also be a drain on productivity and resources if not managed effectively. By creating feedback channels, allowing employees to opt out, trimming invite lists, implementing communication processes, and leveraging AI technology, organizations can supercharge productivity and drive efficiencies in their meetings.

Remember, modernizing meeting culture is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires continuous improvement and a commitment to change. By embracing new ways of working and seeking feedback from employees, organizations can optimize their meeting processes and achieve better results.