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How to Extend iPhone Battery Life: Expert Tips for Longer Usage

Hey there iPhone users! Are you tired of your battery running out of juice too quickly? Well, you're not alone. Many Apple enthusiasts love their iPhones but wish they could have longer battery life. If you're constantly struggling with your iPhone battery dying too fast, don't worry, I've got some expert tips to help you make it last all day and even through the weekend!

First Stop: Low Power Mode

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of battery-saving tactics, let's start with Apple's own Low Power mode. This feature is a lifesaver when you need to squeeze out every last drop of battery life. To engage Low Power mode, simply open the Control Center by dragging down from the top-right corner of your screen and tap the Battery icon. Alternatively, you can go to Settings, then Battery, and toggle Low Power Mode on.

When Low Power mode is activated, your iPhone takes several steps to conserve power. It reduces the time the display is turned on and limits background activity. You'll notice that the battery icon at the top of your screen turns yellow, indicating that Low Power mode is active. If you want to see your battery percentage as well, go to Settings, open the Battery menu, and toggle the option to show the percentage in the notification bar.

Identify Power-Draining Apps

Now that we've engaged Low Power mode, let's take a look at which apps are consuming the most battery power. Open the Settings app and navigate to the Battery menu. Scroll down to the bottom to see a list of apps that have been using power over the past 24 hours or 10 days. You can toggle between these time frames to get a better understanding of which apps are draining your battery the most.

The key here is to identify apps that are running in the background or using excessive power without your knowledge. By understanding which apps are the culprits, you can take appropriate action. For example, you may choose to limit their usage or find alternative solutions that consume less power.

Need a Few Extra Hours?

If you're in a situation where you need your iPhone to last a few extra hours, there are a few additional steps you can take. First, consider enabling the Do Not Disturb mode. This will limit incoming notifications and prevent unnecessary battery drain. You can customize Do Not Disturb mode to allow notifications only from specific apps or individuals that you deem important.

Another useful tip is to limit the apps that can notify you and light up your display. Notifications often tempt us to check our phones, leading to unnecessary battery usage. By selecting only the essential apps for notifications, you can reduce the frequency of display light-ups and save precious battery power. You can manage these settings by going to the Settings menu, selecting Focus, and customizing your notification preferences.

Lastly, make sure to engage Low Power mode and consider turning off features like Always On Display. These additional steps can help you squeeze out those extra hours of usage when you need them the most.

Planning a Weekend Trip without a Charger?

Imagine this scenario: you're about to embark on a weekend getaway, and you realize you've forgotten your charger. Panic sets in as you wonder how you'll survive without your phone. Fear not! With these tips, you can make your iPhone last through the entire trip.

First and foremost, turn down your screen brightness to the lowest limit. This simple adjustment can make a significant difference in battery consumption. While it may be challenging to read your iPhone under dim lighting conditions, think of it as a step back in time when people didn't rely on smartphones for everything.

Next, consider turning off all location features. Location services drain battery power in the background, so disabling them can help extend your battery life. However, keep in mind that turning off location features can make it more challenging to locate your iPhone if you lose it, so use this feature with caution.

Speaking of toggles, you can also turn off COVID-19 Exposure Notifications if you don't need them. These notifications run in the background and contribute to battery drain. You can find the Exposure Notifications setting in the Settings app.

Lastly, you can limit your cellular data usage to conserve battery power. Under the Settings app, navigate to the Cellular menu and toggle off Cellular Data. However, do not turn off Data Roaming, as it's better for your iPhone to lock onto another network if your own carrier is unavailable. Constantly searching for a network consumes more battery than staying connected to one.


With these expert tips, you can make your iPhone battery last longer and avoid the frustration of constantly running out of power. Start by engaging Low Power mode and identifying power-draining apps. If you need a few extra hours, enable Do Not Disturb mode and limit unnecessary notifications. For longer trips without a charger, adjust your screen brightness, disable location features, and limit cellular data usage.

Remember, it's all about optimizing your phone's usage and being mindful of how certain features and apps impact your battery life. By implementing these battery-saving tactics, you can enjoy using your iPhone without constantly worrying about finding a power outlet.