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How to Batch-Edit Photos on iOS 16: A Step-by-Step Guide


Hey there! Do you ever find yourself taking a bunch of photos on your iPhone, only to realize that they could use a little editing to make them really shine? Well, I've got some good news for you! With the latest iOS 16 update, Apple has introduced a hidden gem of a feature that allows you to batch-edit photos on your iPhone. This means you can make changes to one photo and then apply those edits to multiple photos all at once. It's a real time-saver, and it's super easy to do. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps of batch-editing photos on iOS 16, so you can give all your images that perfect look and feel. Let's get started!

[Quick Steps]

Here are the quick steps for how to batch-edit photos on iOS:

1. Take some photos on your iPhone.
2. Open one of the photos and edit it to your liking.
3. Copy the edits you made to the photo.
4. Return to your photo library and select the other photos you want to edit.
5. Paste the edits onto the selected photos.

[Detailed Steps]

Now, let's dive into the detailed steps for batch-editing photos on iOS:

Step 1: Start with one, but think of the many

Before you begin batch-editing your photos, take a moment to consider the overall look and style you want to achieve. Think about the mood you want to create and the changes you'll need to make to achieve that. For example, if you're going for a classic black and white look, you might want to adjust the contrast and brightness. If you're looking for something more vibrant, you might play around with the colors. It's important to choose a set of edits that will look equally good on all the photos you want to edit.

Step 2: Edit your photo

Open the photo you want to edit in the Photos app. Tap on the "Edit" button in the upper right-hand corner to access the editing tools. You can start with the auto filter if you like, or you can manually adjust specific settings like contrast, brightness, warmth, and more. Take your time to fine-tune the image until you're happy with the look and mood you've achieved.

Step 3: Copy your edits

Once you're satisfied with the edits you've made to the photo, it's time to copy those edits. Tap on the menu button in the upper left corner of the screen (it looks like three ellipses) and choose "Copy Edits" from the options. This will copy all the image edits you made to the photo in that editing session.

Step 4: Return to your photo library

Now, go back to your photo library by tapping on the "Photos" tab at the bottom of the screen. Select all the photos you want to batch-edit by tapping on the "Select" button in the upper right corner (next to the ellipses). You can make this step easier by creating a new album and adding all the photos you want to edit to that album.

Step 5: Apply the edits

With all the photos selected, it's time to apply the edits you copied earlier. Tap on the ellipses menu in the bottom right-hand corner and choose "Paste Edits" from the options. iOS 16 will work its magic and apply the copied edits to all the selected photos. Depending on the number of photos and the complexity of the edits, it may take a moment for your iPhone to complete the operation.

And that's it! You've successfully batch-edited your photos on iOS 16. Now you can sit back and admire your beautifully edited images.


Batch-editing photos on iOS 16 is a game-changer for anyone who loves taking pictures on their iPhone. It allows you to make changes to one photo and then apply those edits to multiple photos all at once, saving you time and effort. Whether you're going for a classic black and white look or a vibrant and colorful style, batch-editing makes it easy to achieve the desired look and feel across all your photos. So why not give it a try and see the difference it can make in your photo editing workflow? Happy editing!